9 Tips to Cure Bloggers Block

Most of us are familiar with writer’s block, but did you know you can also suffer from blogger’s block (okay technically it’s the same thing but it sounds cooler, yeah?)

I should know… I’ve only just returned from my own stint away! I could go on and on about how ‘busy my schedule was over the holidays’ and how ‘life simply got in the way’, but in reality… I was suffering from Bloggers Block. The longer I stayed away, the harder the fight to come back.

But I’m here! And these are the ‘9 Tips’ I used to pull myself back from the brink.

9 Tips to Cure Bloggers Block*

1. Remember why you’re blogging in the first place

Is your blog floundering? Do you want to make an impact but have no clue how?
You need to remember why the hell you started your blog in the first place! Was it to set up your author platform (like me?) To share your Instagram-worthy travel photos or your unique take on the art of gastronomy?

If you have no clue why you started your blog, or where it’s going, you need to figure that out ASAP. When your blog lacks direction, so will your readers, because they’ll be going in the OTHER direction.

You’ll never cure bloggers block if your blog is the block. Make it your priority to figure out your blog’s purpose so you can find your niche and… your readers! If your blog offers something both unique and in demand… then you’ll have to fend off your readers with a bat (but don’t do that).


image via pexels.com


2. Create a beautiful ‘blogging space’

Some bloggers underestimate how important it is to have a zone designated purely for your writing and blogging. A little piece of the universe reserved just for you, your laptop and your creative thoughts!

You might already have a writing space, whether it is your office, garage, a desk in the spare room or a corner of the dining table. If so – refresh that space! Make it beautiful. Set aside a special mug and coaster to be used ‘exclusively’ for your blogging time. You may even want to add a vase with some freshly cut flowers or a tower of post-it notes!

You’ll be surprised at how refreshed you feel and how much easier it is to get ‘into the zone’ when your blogging space encourages your inner writing zen. I’m currently renovating my third bedroom into a writer’s study. I’ll probably blog about it one day (I’m taking progress photos for you all), but I have a long way to go!


image via pexels.com


3. Give your blog a face-lift

Like #2 above, refreshing your blog’s style may be the cure you’ve been looking for. Over the years, I’ve changed my theme multiple times, and I didn’t always get it right! The first incarnations of my blog were… interesting, to say the least. You can actually check out historic ‘snapshots’ of your blog over at the Internet Archive WaybackMachine – be prepared to shudder!

These days, whenever my blog drifts into ‘stale’ territory, I update the theme and bam! I’m hit with inspiration. I am currently using a premium theme, but if you’re on a budget, there are plenty of awesome free options like Canard – a theme I used for years! I definitely recommend you stick with themes that are clean, simple and easy-to-navigate – your readers will thank you for it.

This is what my blog used to look like in early 2017:




4. Give yourself a deadline

This trick is the real MVP. For me, the second I create a deadline, is the second my creative brain starts working again. I swear on it.

This ‘deadline’ phenomenon is something you may be very familiar with. Have you ever found yourself finishing off a project perilously close to when it’s due despite the negative consequences (aka the wrath from your boss/mum/professor)?

I have no clue why we do this to ourselves and why it feels so damn good, but writing to a deadline works, especially if you have a bunch of subscribers waiting eagerly for your content!


image via pexels.com


5. Understand that your blog will not be a success straight away

Bloggers often give up too soon because they don’t realise how long it can take to see results. A massive readership will not miraculously appear overnight! Under no circumstances do you want your blog to be one of the 99% that fails this year.

There are some bloggers who hit the sweet spot and manage to cultivate a huge following within a few months, but they are the exception. For us mere mortals, it can take at least two to three years before our wondrous musings begin to make any sort of impact – if at all.

My blog took two long years to get off the ground. What if I’d given up in the first year? What if I’d let the trolls drag me down? I certainly wouldn’t be here with you today, right now, telling you how to overcome bloggers block.


image via pexels.com


6. Start collaborating with other bloggers

When you are alone and adrift on the ocean of the blogging world, it can very easy to drown when hit by a storm. Collaborating with other bloggers is a life raft everyone should take advantage of. There are so many different ways you can do this: write about other bloggers, post a book review for an indie author, ask someone you admire to guest blog on your site… the options are endless!

When I come up blank with blogging ideas, I usually visit some of my favourite sites for inspiration. It’s amazing how many ideas you can come up with when lurking around the WordPress Reader!

Collaborating with others can be the perfect way to rejuvenate your blogging experience (and really, you’re not going to find readers without a bit of elbow grease and reciprocation, unless you’re already famous.)

If you’re coming up blank, perhaps think about posing a question to your readers. It could be as simple asking them: What’s your favourite book of all time?


image via pexels.com


7. Invest in some writing books

I’m not sure why, but this one always works for me. For some strange reason, writing books help me blog. This is why I keep my ‘Writing Book Collection’ close at hand (as in, within an arms reach of my laptop).

My current collection consists of:

Sometimes, I need only hold On Writing in my hands, and I’m hit by a creative bomb. My fingers will dance across the keyboard, as if by magic. It’s Stephen King after all.


image via pexels.com


8. Stumped for ideas? Write from the heart

If you’re stumped for time or ideas, dig a little deeper. Reach out and share some stories. Real stories (but only what you’re comfortable with). I’m sure everyone would love to hear about that time you accidentally printed off your manuscript at work and a colleague found it (yes, this happened to me).

My most successful blog posts are saturated with the truth and come directly from my heart. For me, I’m more likely to comment on a blog if I feel like I’ve made a connection with the writer, however small.

If there is anyone else out there that can say their favourite food is phở gà, owns 2 cats, has a strong penchant for vanilla lattes and lists Romancing The Stone as their number one movie of all time, then let me know! We could be blogging soul mates.


image via pexels.com

9. Don’t take it (and your self!) too seriously

I started my blog sans cats. One day, I decided what the hell, I may as well have some fun! So I threw a solitary Cat GIF into one of my articles.

That post changed everything.

It had never occurred to me that it was okay to do something silly. I realised then and there that my blog didn’t have to conform. I didn’t have to follow the rules. It could be whatever the hell it wanted it to be! Chuck Wendig sums up this dilemma far better than I, so I’ll leave it to him to convince you to go wild.


image via pexels.com


We really can be our own worst enemies. If you ever start thinking ‘my blog just isn’t good enough’ – stop right there. It is good enough. You are good enough. It doesn’t need to be a literary masterpiece.

Your blog does not have to be perfect. You can share your thoughts and musings in whatever messy, unclear or unsophisticated way you want. Every article you write does not have to be prepped for ‘Freshly Pressed’ (because that’s a magical unicorn anyway).

Be unapologetically you.

I mean, just look at my blog… it’s littered with cat GIFS, adjectives, grammar mistakes and overbaked clichés. But that’s who I am. I’m a cat lady, a writer who eats chocolate, drinks coffee and writes romance novels. I am a cliché. And totally proud to be! 

I still don’t care if some people don’t take me seriously, my blog is proof enough that it doesn’t matter. And if I enjoy it, who’s to stop me?




* because cats have 9 lives


46 responses to “9 Tips to Cure Bloggers Block”

  1. […] came about for a few reasons. The first one is to combat my excessive lazy writing habits and the insane levels of blog procrastination I’m currently experiencing. I also thought it would be damn cool to check out the stats […]


  2. I appreciate the cats! But also the advice. Especially the not taking it too seriously. That’s amazing and I think being new I really needed to hear that. Thank you


  3. kaylivsadventures Avatar

    Very good advice, thanks


  4. I LOVE this post! 🙂 Just recently, I was suffering terribly from blogger’s block, much like you. I completely related when you said, “The longer I stayed away, the harder I had to fight to come back.” Here it was home remodeling and life in general. Among other things. Your article really helped tremendously. Your points, each and every one, are valid and wise.

    We can be so incredibly hard on ourselves. Feeling like failures if we didn’t meet this goal or that goal, or if our blog doesn’t look like so and so. It’s not supposed to. Great reminder, Milly. You’re awesome 🙂 Much love to you & the kiddos!


  5. Nice 🐈 concept


  6. This Post was exactly what I needed to hear . It was so helpful . I have writing blocks constantly , I am happy to know there’s a whole community out here who understands “bloggers block” .


  7. That’s a very helpful post. One more question concerning me is that I get blogger/writing blocks too often. Is that okay?


  8. […] straight off from my blog last week about 9 Tips for curing bloggers block, I wanted to explore exactly how often you should blog – in an advisory capacity of […]


  9. Great advice! And yes – always be yourself. It is our uniqueness that makes us special. Embrace and enjoy it!


  10. Hi Milly!
    You are an absolute genius! Coming up with the term ‘Blogger’s Block’
    Now, I know what I am suffering from. Lol.
    Your tips are absolutely great and I love these tips of “Knowing why you started your blog and Writing from your heart.”
    Thank you so much.

    Much Love,

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Glad you’re back! And if you’d ever like to write a guest post on my blog, I’d be happy to have you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Blogging get’s pretty boring when you can’t get conversations or even a comment now and then. I thought bloggers were more community type of people but I guess not so much. I make a lot of comments on the blogs I read but few even reply back. I have noticed some don’t even have a place to leave comments, they just want an e-mail address.

    I still read a lot of blogs but writing post just doesn’t have much meaning anymore. If I ever get to do some travelling I will try writing about the places I go and that should be fun.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh that’s a shame that you haven’t had much luck with the blogging community! I think that’s why it’s important to blog about what you love. When the process itself is fun, it doesn’t matter too much if no one’s reading/commenting. Even when I had no subscribers, my mum was always reading hahaha

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I have used the blogging to get clarity on of my writing topic. I think I can now turn some of my blog material into book form.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I agree with Milly Hough I might describe it as your first audience should be yourself. I see blogging as writing practice for my book, telling my story, putting myself out there, creating a body if work that may go k to the book it become it’s own book, and a way to connect when I can and make the time. Making it better is helpful. But I don’t promote it much, that’s where I’m missing out. And there are tons of blogs, it’s true.


  13. “Your blog does not have to be perfect. You can share your thoughts and musings in whatever messy, unclear or unsophisticated way you want.” this SPOKE to me 🖤🌱🌻

    Liked by 1 person

  14. My problem seems to be that there are already a ton of blogs about books and movies. Or maybe it’s just that those happen to be most of the blogs I follow. So I need to figure out how to stand out more.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Please tell me what happened with the manuscript! 😱

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Reblogged this on Words On A Page and commented:
    Great advice and super cute cat pics!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I LOVE this! So much good advice and fabulous cat pics to boot! Yes, I am a cat (and doggie) person, LOVE my coffee, and (sometimes) romance novels, I have tried pho but prefer curry (Thai) and I have so much more I could talk about than I do. Thanks for the inspiration, I need to include more of my silly pet pics too!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. thingscarlaloves Avatar

    Reblogged this on Things Carla Loves.

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  19. Glad you’ve beaten your bloggers block. Lots of great points. And I love the whimsical cat-centric nature of your site. At first I wasn’t sure what to make of it because it doesn’t really conform to the expected, but that’s what makes it so great. It’s so charmingly you. Anyway, I got pretty discouraged early on when legions of admirers didn’t show up after my first couple of months of posting, but it’s grown slowly. It took me a while to grow into my blog and figure out what I wanted to write instead of catering to others expectations. And definitely write from the heart!

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Oops, I hit send too soon. I like all your tips. Especially make a nice space, I hadn’t thought of that. If the bike shop with a coffee house in it were close I could write there. (It’s owned by former Austinite Lance Armstrong – yes, that one!) Fyi it’s called Juan Pelota. (Think English pronunciation and the type of cancer he has and you’ll get the pun.) Yes, I guess I’m suggesting that’s as a friendly update: go somewhere inspiring to write. Could be a library, somewhere outdoors with a roof, who knows.

    Anyway, I signed up for problogger’s course but haven’t started it. Mos def could change themes, use am editor, write fewer words, add more humor, etc. Well, I love that you’re back. Ironically, I’m considering taking a break to finish my book because there’s an agents and wruters conference coming up. But I probably won’t since it wouldn’t be ready anyway.

    PS. 1980’s Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner, are you kidding me? That’s hot.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YEEEESSSS it is, back when he was hot 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Catherine Zeta-Jones must still think he is so that’s probably all he cares about.

        Liked by 1 person

  21. My thirst for that special Milly Schmidt Australian blog juice has been quenched! Okay that’s weird and I don’t even know what it means, but I think you get the point. It probably has flavors of vanilla, chocolate and cat hair in it. Yes, definitely cat hair. What did Bill the Cat in that cartoon Bloom County ways say? Pfffthttttt!


  22.  Avatar

    Great advice Millie – yes I especially like the ‘Writing from the heart’ one xx mum

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks mum xx

      Liked by 1 person

  23. At times blogging can feel like shouting into the wind. It’s easy to get discouraged, I guess its just a matter of not giving up and hoping that your ‘tribe’ will find you and relate. For me, my blueprint is similar to yours. Cats always, because they are beautiful, inscrutable and mysterious and also silly, sweet, loving and adorable. Writing about writing, yes, I think writers find it endlessly fascinating. My most successful posts have been about how to hold abook launch- both practical and creative. As I am also a committed reader I post a list( with reviews) of what I have read each month. I posted that yesterday. But I will use your idea of writing about the books I have on writing ( yes I have a few) as I think that is an endlessly fascinating topic too. So thanks for the post-Milly, they are always entertaining. Woudl it be okay to share over at my blog?

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hi Sonia, thanks so much for your comment! I like the word ‘tribe’ you used to describe a writing community 🙂 It’s kinda what we are, isn’t it? Oh and I just noticed that the website linked to your name is incorrect? It goes to what looks like an unused website: soniabellhousewriter.wordpress.com, but isn’t your website this one: https://soniabellhouse.blog/my-writing/ ? If it is, you can change the website associated & linked with your profile somewhere in the settings, so whenever you like, follow or comment on a blog, people can click straight through to your actual blog – you should get a ton more traffic that way! And yes you can totally share my blog!

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Hi Milly, Thanks so much for your reply. Yes, I do think of fellow writers as my ‘tribe’ people who understand the joys and frustrations of writing. Now you have given me a mystery to solve! When I follow the link I get to when I was creating the website about two years ago. Of course, it is possible that I can get to see my website ok and others cant(Ouch!) That would really explain slow moving traffic. One bonus in reviewing that I found that I had posted about writing books quite early on – time to revisit that topic. Will check with a couple of friends to see how they get the website and then perhaps talk to WordPress.No point in my sharing your blog post if it’s not going to be seen,

      Liked by 1 person

  24. Thanks for this, and welcome back! Been a bit out of touch myself lately. I especially appreciate your closing thoughts. – Linda

    Liked by 3 people

  25. Reblogged this on Writing Radiation and commented:
    FANTASTIC tips on breaking the rut. Plus, kitty pics!

    Liked by 3 people

  26. If you hadn’t written a word, I would’ve loved the blog because of the cat pictures. But you did write, and had some good ideas. Writer’s block, blogger’s block–not something I can imagine suffering. But a time block–yes. There is not enough time. And I do not parse it wisely. Ideas are not a problem, but being practical is.
    I like especially your networking idea. This is the most productive technique for bloggers, or writers, who want their numbers to increase.
    I enjoyed your blog very much 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  27. Duke1959 Avatar

    Something that helps my writing and life in general is that there are 86,400 seconds in a day and I take a long hard at how many of those I am wasting. It’s amazing how many of those get wasted.

    Liked by 3 people

  28. Welcome back! There’s a plate of cookies in the fridge and a box of chocolates in the microwave (for some reason) and a pot of coffee on the counter. 😆

    “….and lists Romancing The Stone as their number one movie of all time…” Oh. My. Gosh! I didn’t realize anyone else remembered that movie. That is just so awesome! It’s such a fun, very quotable movie.

    I totally agree with number 7, although, for me, it’s writing magazines that does the trick. I’ll read a couple of articles and think, “Ahh, now I wanna do some writing.”

    Liked by 3 people

  29. #3 haha yes. Remember when I asked you for your layout so I could steal it?

    #6 let’s do it! I’m sure my readers would love to hear from you, and I can bore your readers to death with terrible jokes.

    Liked by 2 people

  30. I am always happy when I have a chance to read a Milly Schmidt blog. I was doing a bit of decluttering on my reading list. I deleted people who seemed to have given up on their blogs. When I came to your name and saw you hadn’t written in a while, I did not even for a second think about deleting you. I knew you would be back.
    Great advice.

    Liked by 2 people

  31. Solid tips. Sometimes taking things too seriously can add stress to the process of being creative. I think another tip is exercise – it doesn’t have to be physical, deep breathing and stilling my mind works for me. Gets me thinking. Reading widely and even other blogs to know what readers of your niche are interested in.

    Liked by 3 people

  32. Useful writing tips. My fav.- #8. Write from the heart.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m not going to lie, I think that one’s my favourtie too 🙂 It makes such a huge difference when you really enjoy what you’re writing

      Liked by 1 person

  33. Great blog post with a lot of good advice and some wonderful cats 😀👍

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you!! It would be strange for me to blog without cats haha

      Liked by 2 people

  34. That’s good advice. Also, kitties certainly help with the post. Haha!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Kitties certainly help! lol

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Definitely. To quote one of my friends who’s a fellow writer who’s also an owner of multiple cats, “Kitties make everything better!”.


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