How to write freely and without fear

Have you ever sat down to work on your novel, only to have your fingers seize up and your imagination wither into a million atomic-seized particles? And was it because an adverb accidentally slipped out and you have no clue how to describe Becky’s great hair without saying it looked like a “tightly coiled halo of ringlets”?

If this is an accurate description of yourself, then you and I could be adverb soul mates! And if you’ve read On Writing by Stephen King, you will understand how much of a sin the adverb can be. Sorry, I said that wrong. It’s not a sin, but a hallmark of a bad writer.

And look, I’m gonna have to agree. It’s okay to use them sparingly, but if you search your WIP and can find more than 10,000 words ending in ‘ly’, then yes, you may have a problem, one that may even stop you writing completely if you obsess over it too much.


Writing rules are important, but there is nothing more draining to a writer’s creative process than trying to tiptoe around every single writing faux pas out there while trying to smash your writing goal of 1,500 words a day (okay, for me it’s more like 500 lol). One thing I’ve learned, writing rules and your imagination do not always go together unless you’re a freak of nature or Stephen King.

Most of us, especially beginners, will find it difficult to describe certain scenes with the vivid richness they deserve. There’s that epic final battle scene playing out in your mind’s eye, a dazzling sunset, the hushed, moody whispers of a forbidden forest or the baked, dry plains of a dusty wasteland. You can see it all with such clear imagery, yet the words will not come.

In situations like this, if you do try to write like Stephen King (a.k.a. in a ‘no-adverbs-in-sight manner’), then it’s very likely that writer’s block will be paying you a visit very soon. At least, I have discovered this happens to me whenever I start analysing every single word that is transmitted from my brain and onto the page.


How can you go about writing publishable material and still allow your imagination to go wild? How can you stop making writing a chore? Because, as ‘they’ say, the only way to improve your writing is through the act of writing itself – but if you keep getting stuck, then how will you ever get better?

What you need to do is remove the bars preventing your mind from running rampant and expressing what your heart is trying so desperately to convey – even if badly.  Chuck Wendig tells us in his best writing article of all time, that the “first draft is for me. Second draft is for you.”

Your writing does not need to be perfect. You can let those adverbs be free. Tell yourself: this novel does not need to be a best seller. In fact, no one needs to read it at all.


I will let you in on a little secret. I often suffer from writer’s block: whether it’s a result of laziness, procrastination or the belief that my writing will never be good enough.

But all is not lost.

To combat writer’s block, at any one time I have about 20-30 stories on the go (of varying lengths). These stories will never be shared with anyone, ever. Not even my mum. I call them my ‘good old faithfuls’, some of which are nearly 15 years old.

When I’m wallowing in a pit of adverb despair, I simply pull up one of my good old faithfuls and go crazy. They are legit saved to a folder called ‘stories for fun’. A folder that I spend most of my weekends in, because who actually enjoys doing chores on the weekend?? Some are thrillers, some are fantasy, and some transcend any genre or boundary – because when there are no rules, you can do whatever the hell you want.


These days I can easily smash out 4,000 words in one session. And why? Because there are no expectations of greatness. I relish that sensation of writing without fear, of being able to explore scenarios and weird angles with an unabashed freeness that sings to my soul. I live for that feeling – and I know you do too.

Which is why I’m telling you to do the exact same thing: if you haven’t already, create a folder called ‘stories for fun’ and start writing that epic love story – or gory battle – that bleeds from your soul and fills your heart with glee. Your story may even be a continuation of one of your ‘good old faithfuls’ that you abandoned, long ago, for not being good enough.

This time around, with no writing rules in the way, you can dig deep into your imagination, finally uncover all those loose ends and new beginnings and dump them onto the keyboard with no thought at all. Don’t worry about plot or structure or if your characters are super lame and lacking in any considerable depth. Ignore all that. It’s not the point. Writing is the point. Your fingers will be flying, trust me.


Whatever you do, don’t think about how you’re taking away valuable writing time from your ‘real stories’, because when you’re writing freely and without fear, you write faster and you improve faster. The next time you return to your WIP, the one you want to publish, you may find that the adverbs have dried up and the clichés have been ground to dust. And if you do let one slip out? You will no longer curse your mind, but thank it.

Because what it does for you really is amazing, adverbs and all.

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41 responses to “How to write freely and without fear”

  1. Thanks for sharring


  2. Evelyn Byrne Avatar
    Evelyn Byrne

    This is really helpful to read:) Thanks for this post!


  3. I am a new blogger and I have gravitating to your site and learning many gems that change the way I think and write. I love the concepts of writing without fear, how the first draft is for me, the second for you. Thank you for sharing. You have made me even more excited to continue writing. I look forward to more of your words of wisdom.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Erica and wish you all the best! I absolutely love working on my ‘stories for fun’, just absolutely takes all the stress away and I can sit there typing away with a silly old smile on my face, lol


  4. My philosophy is that I start with a period of directed daydreaming and then write the first draftwith little thought for the rules. Everything after that is editing.

    Mark Twain suggested writing the first draft without concern for adverb overuse, then removing all adverbs, and finally rereading and adding back in those which are necessary.

    I like the suggestion of having a batch of stories that are private. I think that will help me with writer’s block.Enter your comment here…


  5. iamthesunking Avatar

    I love a good adverb, I must say, and I have been known to make up my own, such as “undignifiedly”, which I use surprisingly often when relating stories of Louis Catorze. As for writer’s block, the good thing about writing about such a silly cat is that he never fails to do something idiotic and therefore I am never short of material!


  6. inspiring and motivating! Thanks


  7. Reblogged this on AJ. Adsett.


  8. I am on draft one, book two.

    The first 20 pages I could feel the hesitation coming on. Those questions in my head that maybe I was a one book kind of guy. But than I reminded myself it was the first draft. Relax. Enjoy. Get to know these people. Write sloppy. Have a mud bath. Who cares. You’re with friends. Nobody is judging you.

    Now I’m good.


  9. The Sanguine Woods Avatar
    The Sanguine Woods

    Reblogged this on The Starving Writers' Club and commented:
    We all go through it…


  10. You’ve mentioned that “Stories for fun” folder before, and I think it’s such a great idea. Never say never. Maybe once you are a famous writer you will publish a collection of these stories and they will sell like freshly baked pie.

    But you’re absolutely correct about just writing for YOU before you write for others. It rarely work when you try the opposite.


  11. My blog is my outlet for my writing and that’s why I love it – because I can write for me and it usually flows with ease. Whether I would be able to produce more disciplined writing is another matter!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I really enjoyed reading this.


  13. “The first draft is for me. The second draft is for you.”

    Excellent. Love it.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Sorry, you will 😱


  15. I hope that one day you shall publish some of your funstories as well.


  16. Stories for Fun sounds like a great idea! Great idea. If only to convince myself that not everything has to be that potential winner that will finally get published!


  17. Lady Nightwave Brenda Marie Writer Avatar
    Lady Nightwave Brenda Marie Writer

    It’s nice to know, I am not the only writer who has 20-30 ideas sitting on the side. Some I do not think I may ever get to. This is a wonderful and inspiring article for me.


  18. I really, really, REALLY love this idea!
    I’m always looking for ways to combat writers block and this is truly one technique I will start incorporating in my routine.
    Thank you for the inspiration!


  19. Molly,
    This is fantastic. I also have the habit of writing paragraphs or pages that I believe will eventually become part of the final story, just to let my imagination flow, unencumbered with the rules you mention. I label these files with the title of the final story and its chapter title. Sometimes I use what I’ve written, by revising and repurposing. Other times it simply sets the stage for better writing. You are absolutely on target! Writing for yourself is as important as writing for others!


  20. This is partly why I’m going to do NaNoWriMo this year: to attempt to run that undermining little voice over with a juggernaut of 50,000 words, some of which may be adverbs – shock, horror!


  21. It’s funny that you mention Stephen King as a source for the no-adverbs mantra. The stuff I have read of his is littered with unnecessary adverbs, and language tags, and a whole lot more. These were his older books, though, which suggests to me that he developed a lot as a writer, even after being a best seller. I agree with you that a good way to improve your drafting is to not have an expectation of greatness. It’s a draft, after all. So let those adverbs and dialogue tags lie for the moment as your continue to craft the story. Those bits can be addressed in the later edits.


    1. Well, he admits he is not guilty-free in this respect. As far as I remember, he compared adverbs to dandelions, with a few on the lawn being a nice touch but if you don’t watch out they cover the whole lawn and don’t look so pretty anymore.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, that is so true. I’ve come across editors in the past that thought adverbs were signs of the plague and even one would infect the entire work. They didn’t really bother to look at the specific words and evaluate them in thier context. Sometimes the most efficient way to convey your meaning is with a good ole -ly adverb.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Of course. Adverbs are part of language. They are there to be used. And purists of all walks of life are free to live in their own hell.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Hahaha. My sentiments exactly. 😀


  22. Stephen King as writing coach — ugh.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. I absolutely adore that quote, ‘the first draft îs for me…’ and I have to tell you that this attitude really works…

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Tom Austin Avatar
    Tom Austin

    Thanks for writing this. When I’m faced with the “adverb dilemma” I usually write two drafts. The first is usually terrible in the most extreme meaning of the word. That copy is for me and it’s the way I want to write it. Then I try my best to improve. If you’re writing about something you have little or **no** experience with having someone you trust with your life read over what you have written and ask them how **you** can improve it.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Good day and good luck soulmate – (of the adverb variety?).

    Liked by 1 person

  26. This is something I needed to read. I’ve been sitting at three chapters away from completing my first novel and it has been difficult to find the words I need though the story is right there inside.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good luck with writing – may a calm zen descend on you and release your book.

      Liked by 2 people

  27. Love this! I haven’t written much in the public sphere yet, so I was doing this and feeling guilty for breaking the rules. This helps my sanity so much!

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Reblogged this on S C Richmond and commented:
    Writers this one’s for you. Helpful info here, check it out.

    Liked by 2 people

  29. Thank you, brilliant idea and I’m off to set up a new folder right now.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Milly😊, thank you! I also have a folder but miner’s titled “FME: for my entertainment 😂” and it definitely helps. Thanks for sharing this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mine’s not miner’s 😒


  31. This post is totally what I needed. Desperately! Adverbs and all. I have been struggling with a dry well and can’t seem to find an adequate bucket to drop, should water show up. It seems all writing flare has fizzled! But this…this is an immense help!

    Liked by 1 person

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