An indie author’s guide to self-publishing

by BB Morgan

I spent a good three days trying to think of something intelligent and worthwhile to say about self-publishing. There is so much to the self-publishing world that I didn’t know when I started, I couldn’t pick just one. So, I picked a few that I think are the most important to me, or that I wish I had known beforehand. This morning, coffee in hand, I’m diving in.

1. Don’t rush the process

In April of 2016, I self-published my debut novel, Devil’s Blood, through CreateSpace. Talk about momentous. When I held my novel – my novel which I’d spent the last year working on – in my hands, I can’t begin to describe the absolute sense of fulfillment. However, as that feeling wore off, and Devil’s Blood didn’t hit the bestseller list overnight like I had been secretly dreaming, I realized something. I’d rushed into publication.

This is a mistake a lot of authors make when they self-publish. Because they can’t land an agent, they think to themselves (Or at least, I did): Obviously, all these agents don’t understand how awesome my novel is, or how great it could become, so I’m going to publish it myself. It sounds pompous now. My problem was that I had no idea what I was doing. However, I kept writing. I wrote almost every night, on novels that I would go on to finish, on novels that I haven’t looked at again – I kept writing.

Then, while writing Caroline Eversole and the Gilded Gauntlet, I went back and sniffed through Devil’s Blood, and OMG. I couldn’t believe how horribly written it was. Had I published this? I thought this was good enough? I immediately started to revise. I was disgusted that I’d thrown that into the publishing world as a debut. I was delighted that my craft had improved so much. Devil’s Blood hadn’t landed an agent because it was horrible, not because the agents “didn’t grasp its greatness.” My query letter also sucked.

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2. Get an editor

What I should have done, and have since done with each title I self-publish, is find beta readers and then hire an editor. The editor I have now is fantastic! She lays out her criticism in a positive way, regardless of what she’s saying. Before, I thought of an editor as someone who corrects grammar and spelling. Oh, no. A good editor does so much more than that! They point out syntax, plot holes, character development, sentence structure, clunkiness – all that jazz.

Yes, an editor will cost money. Your hard-earned money. But, to me, it’s worth it. This “writing thing” that I’ve been doing for the past three years isn’t just a hobby. I am working to turn it into a career. Which, given that everyone seems to think that having a career as a writer equates having an agent and a publishing house, is difficult. But, like all those rejections letters kindly say, you need someone who will feel as strongly about your novel as you do.

Image via Pexels

3. Be prepared to do it all

This is why I like self-publishing. Who is going to love my novels as much as me? I’m not sure there is such an agent out there. I choose what to write, what to edit out or in, what goes on the back blurb, and what the cover looks like. I am the first and final so-say in every aspect of the book’s life. I am the intern and the editor-in-chief. I’m also the marketing coordinator, which is where I fail the most. But, I know more now than I did a year ago, and a lot more than I did two years ago.

The self-publishing track isn’t for everyone. It takes a special person to follow their dreams through, especially in a world where there are thousands of people trying to do exactly what you’re trying to do, and your query and book review request is one of the dozens sent to the same email that afternoon. Especially in a world where a lot of people assume that indie authors only write junk not good enough to be picked up by a real agent.

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4. Gather all the strength that you can

There are four things that anyone looking to become an indie author (or already is an indie author) needs. They need the determination to see their projects through. They need to remain optimistic despite the opposition and steep competition. They need to stay persistent, and write, write, write, and read, read, read. They need a tough skin that would make Superman’s look like paper. They need to remind themselves that the publishing industry is 110% subjective, from what books the agents select, to the books the publishing house selects, to the books the reader selects. Even the books that I write are books that I pick, characters that I shape how I see fit based on my personal feelings toward them.

And, at the end of the long day, I write to escape. I write to provide an escape for others. I write in hopes that my books will reach those who will enjoy them, who will find that mythical escape that I seek in fantasy stories. I’m not in it to become the next J. K. Rowling or George R. R. Martin or Sarah J. Maas – I’m in it to become the first B. B. Morgan.

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BB Morgan lives in southern Illinois where she spends her time between working in a library, writing, reading, and trying to be a blogger and book reviewer. She is a graduate of Southeast Missouri State University (BA English/Small Press Publishing) and of Lindenwood University (MFA, Creative Writing). She considers herself an optimistic, yoga enthusiastic, dog lover, caffeine addict, and night owl. She is the indie author of the ongoing Devil’s Blood series and Caroline Eversole and the Gilded Gauntlet

You can find BB Morgan over at her blog, goodreads, Facebook and Twitter!

Pet Spotlight: Morgan and Aubrey

Morgan aubrey.jpg



22 responses to “An indie author’s guide to self-publishing”

  1. […] anyone can publish. And if you don’t believe me, check out this self-publishing guide by WordPress blogger BB Morgan. Got an idea for a book? What are you waiting […]


  2. […] My Pick: Like I mentioned earlier, The Cat’s Write has some great guest posts. Here’s one from BB Morgan. […]


  3. Viola Bleu Avatar
    Viola Bleu

    Fabulous amazing post, honest with humility and humble words.
    I take my hat off to you.
    I have today attended my first self-publishing conference and have been blown away by the quality of books where authors have paid for a little help with Troubador and The Book Guild … I shall be posting a blog soon about my day and the thoughts I gathered.
    Good luck with your journey 🌸


  4. this was so helpful! thank you for sharing your experience!


  5. Good advice. I’m hoping to be ready to publish this fall and have lots of learning and work to do. This is helpful. Thanks


  6. kaeleighb Avatar

    Hey! I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger award!

    You bring sunshine into your readers lives. I can’t wait to read your response 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Great post! It can be hard not to rush when we’re excited, but we just have to think about what is best for the novel in the long-run 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Great insight into the world of self publishing! Thank you for your tips

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Well put, especially the last paragraph.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I completely agree. And also: You have to accept that you’ll probably learn and get experience the hard way.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Good advice! It is a process and it does take time.
    If it is a poem, collection of short stories, a novel or a nonfiction work that is based on the truth as found in the scriptures…I will edit it for free after reviewing the work to determine if it meets that criterion.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. amyandbearsblog Avatar

    Enjoyed your writing very much and your dedication to your work is marvelous!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I love reading other writers stories and share what they have learned. My heart is SO there to take on what ever. My book (that’s been edited 🙂 will be ready to go in a few weeks, so that’s all I’m thinking about ! Thanks for your encouragement, showing me I’m very thankful God led me to self publish.

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Dominic Sceski Avatar
    Dominic Sceski

    *Sighhhh*, this post was for me!

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Ria's Words With Tea Avatar
    Ria’s Words With Tea

    Great information, than you so much!

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Determination, optimism, persistence and a tough skin – you aren’t kidding!
    It took me about ten years to publish my first novel, and I am so glad I didn’t rush it – because the earlier versions were so painfully bad! I’ve learned so much, and I’m hoping this second novel won’t take anywhere near as much time!

    Liked by 4 people

  17. Reblogged this on Plaisted Publishing House and commented:
    Learning as you go to Self Publish is a great idea. Make sure you join groups and speak to those in the know. I still see many errors from Indie Authors which could be prevented with a little knowledge.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Thanks for your excellent advice and encouragement! Do you mind me asking, where did you find your editor?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I found my awesome editor through Agent Query Connect. I happened to be looking for someone above the common “beta reader” status, and she updated her status saying how she was looking for MSs to edit. I really lucked out with her, because she’s been incredible, and from the three MSs she’s done for me, she has also grown as an editor.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Fantastic- thanks! 🙂


  19. Reblogged this on theherdlesswitch and commented:
    Awesome guest post on Millie Schmidt’s blog about self-publishing!!!

    Liked by 2 people

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