Attending my first writing workshop ‘Pitch Perfect’ and getting ready for pitching

This past weekend I attended my first ever writing related workshop called ‘Pitch Perfect’, run by the New England Writer’s Centre (in Australia). The workshops include talks by many successful, local authors and will be held over three weekends, ending in a face to face, private 10 minute pitch with a real, big name Australian publisher!

You won’t believe it, but I’m going to have the chance to pitch my novel to a publisher from Allen & Unwin! I even included Allen & Unwin in my Submitting your manuscript to the big Aussie publishers post.  It’s my absolute dream to be published by them, and getting the chance to pitch to them face to face will be an incredible opportunity.

I joined NEWC a few weeks ago after stalking them for a few years (never had the courage as a writer to join or attend any of their events). I first heard of the annual Pitch Perfect event last year, but unfortunately didn’t have a complete manuscript at the time. But I do this year!

The first workshop held on Saturday 15th October began with an editing spiel by author Beattie Alvarez. After lunch we had ‘Synopsis and Query Letter Writing’ with author Bronwyn Parry, followed by ‘Preparing to Pitch’ with author Sophie Masson.

The talks were very informative and interesting (yes you can include adverbs in your manuscript on the odd occasion) and I learned the do’s and don’ts of pitching to a publisher. For example, I’m writing a trilogy but I will not be pitching all three books. When it comes to new authors, publishers are keener to take on standalone novels – which makes a lot of sense.

During Bronwyn Parry’s workshop I discovered that my query letter writing was pretty bad. To think of all the amateurish query letters I’ve sent off in the past!  I’m surprised anyone responded at all. Note to EVERYONE – when you write the ‘about yourself’ section do not include a funny story about the fat cat that sleeps at the end of your bed.

At the end of the day I requested a photo with Sophie Masson and Bronwyn Parry, they were both so lovely! Authors seem like very happy, friendly people, and I really hope to one day to join their ranks – writing full-time must be awesome.

Sophie Masson, Me, Bronwyn Parry

First thing I’m doing in preparation for my face to face pitch is get my hair done! I look like a brunette in this photo… also, I’ll make sure to keep you updated on what happens at the face to face pitch later this month!


37 responses to “Attending my first writing workshop ‘Pitch Perfect’ and getting ready for pitching”

  1. […] when in November last year I pitched a YA Urban Fantasy to a mid-tier Australian publisher during a workshop.  And as I sat there, dumb-faced and sweating, she told me that there was no use […]


  2. […] First step is to send a simple query letter (usually just an email with no attachments) to the agent who may then either send a rejection or request a partial or full manuscript. If you’re not getting any requests for partial submissions, then there may be something wrong with your query letter. Either do more research on ‘successful query letter writing’ or attend a writing workshop on pitching your novel, like I did, which you can read about here. […]


  3. […] Unwin, a large company I can only dream about getting published by. I mentioned about the pitch in an earlier post, so I thought I should update you all on the […]


  4. […] First step is to send a simple query letter (usually just an email with no attachments) to the agent who may then either send a rejection or request a partial or full manuscript. If you’re not getting any requests for partial submissions, then there may be something wrong with your query letter. Either do more research on ‘successful query letter writing’ or attend a writing workshop on pitching your novel, like I did, which you can read about here. […]


  5. […] First step is to send a simple query letter (usually just an email with no attachments) to the agent who may then either send a rejection or request a partial or full manuscript. If you’re not getting any requests for partial submissions, then there may be something wrong with your query letter. Either do more research on ‘successful query letter writing’ or attend a writing workshop on pitching your novel, like I did, which you can read about here. […]


  6. Hey, Millie. I am following you, and got an email with a post after you attended this pitch…but the post hasn’t appeared. I was keen to comment on it, and ask your advice. I could definitely use a workshop like this one, even if it doesn’t end in a pitch: how did you find the opportunity?


    1. hi yes sorry, I did that thing where you accidentally publish a post before it’s finished! I’ll be posting about what happened during my pitch in Janaury 🙂 Thanks for letting me know 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Best of luck! I went through a pitching round and know my pitch could use a lot of improvement. Wish I’d attended that workshop like you.

    I just came across your blog after you liked my writing watercolor newsletter progress on Instagram. You’ve got a ton of great posts. I’m off to go read more! Cheers 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s fantastic!! I was hoping to find a few WordPress bloggers on Instagram!! Looks like we’re both at pretty similar stages too when it comes to writing/publishing. I’m off to explore your blog some more ☺️☺️


  8. The first time I pitched, I was SO nervous. After many more pitches, it became easier and so much fun! I’m so glad you had this experience. More to come!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. […] large company I can only dream about getting published by. I mentioned about the pitch in an earlier post, so I thought I should update you all on the […]


  10. kinchski Avatar

    Oh cool! Armidale is my home town, used to hang out with Sophie Masson’s son in high school (and go to some choice parties at her house when she was out of town ha ha ha)

    Sounds like it was a good workshop! Loving your blog, it’s getting me very inspired 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s so cool! What a small world ☺️ parties while the parents are away are the best hahaha (except this one year when my dad began storing water in wine bottles in the cellar – took my friends and I a while to realise we were sipping water!!) yeah it was a great workshop, definitely learned a lot. Awesome, I’m glad my blog has inspired you!!


  11. Good luck to you I wish u positive energy and that your dreams come true

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Go Millie!!! How exciting for you and great that you have a manuscript ready to pitch. Very exciting…especially with someone from Allen & Unwin. It also great to hook up with a fellow Australian on the blog. I rarely meet any fellow Aussies blogging and it reminds me a bit of when I was backpacking through Europe in 1992. I live in Heidelberg in Germany for 6 months rather than doing the whole London thing and I remember flagging down some backpackers on the train with Aussie flags on their backpacks. I was so home sick.
    I lie on the NSW Central Coast but come from Sydney.
    Great to hook up.
    xx Rowena


  13. Love this post! I have no doubt you will perfect your query letter and get published, yeah….rooting for you xxx


  14. […] Allen & Unwin in a private face to face pitch! You can read about what will happen here. I’ll make sure to keep you all udpated, as whatever the outcome, it will be a wonderful […]


  15. First: Congrats on having a finished manuscript – something to “pitch” with!! Second: congrats on making an effort to learn how to pitch!!! You’ve already set yourself up for success!! So yippeee!!!! And best of luck to you on the actual pitching!!! You can do it!!!


  16. That sounds like a really useful workshop! Was any mention made of the fact that publishers, taking on a new writer and their book, like to know there’s another book in the pipeline? Apparently they expect to make a loss on the debut novel, but if it gets good reviews and reasonable sales they hope for another work as a follow-up within a reasonable period of time.


  17. I would like to ‘thank you’ for sharing your workshop experience and especially your enthusiasm for your product and the steps you are taking to see (make sure!) that what you have started is going to be done. You have no idea or heck, maybe you do know how inspiring you are when sharing your experiences! It is a process to be sure; however, learning to write the proper way is indeed a time-consuming enterprise. Please, please keep them coming! Have you gotten the chance to read the ‘bio’ About page on my blog?

    Liked by 2 people

  18. devereaux frazier Avatar
    devereaux frazier

    I’ve nominated you for the three days three quotes challenge. You have the option to accept or decline. You can check it out here.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. And a very successful pitch to you. You CAN do it!


  20. Hi Millie,
    Sounds like a wonderful series of workshops, as well as a great opportunity to pitch to a publisher! Best of luck and let us know how it goes!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. This is exciting. Wishing you the best of luck! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Wow, so exciting! I’m a theatre person so I’ll say “BREAK A LEG!” Thank you for the interest in my blog and I look forward to following yours!

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  23. Grandtrines Avatar

    Reblogged this on Orthografia.

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  24. Sending all good thoughts!

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  25. cynthiahm Avatar

    Very exciting! Good luck!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yay thank you ☺️☺️

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  26. Good for you, and good luck!

    Liked by 2 people

  27. I love opportunities like this. I think they are so inspiring. Sending lots of luck for your pitch!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the good luck! I’m really looking forward to it, it will be a fantastic experience even if nothing comes from it ☺️


  28. Wow! Good luck on the opportunity!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks ☺️☺️

      Liked by 1 person

  29. That is awesome! I’ve always struggled with query letters, I bet they’ll give you great advice!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes such great advice so far! I was soooo far off with my query letters and struggled with them too, especially as they are supposed to showcase your writing! The next event this weekend is with a panel of established authors who will share their experiences of successful pitching!

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